Potential of moringa seed husk as a possible absorbent

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Dayrel Bravo Elers
Martha Mazorra Mestre
Manuel Pla Duporte
Cándida Ferrer Serrano


In Cuba, the main source of renewable energy is biomass, and the greatest energy potential is sugarcane biomass, but there are other sources that are important in the local order or that their use is convenient from the environmental point of view, not only as energy resource. The Moringa oleífera seed that is used for the production of oils produces a significant volume of shell that constitutes biomass in this crop, in Cuba this residue is not used and it has not been studied in the application of activated carbon. In the present work, it is proposed to investigate the potential of the Moringa oleífera seed husk, so the purpose of using it is a positive aspect in Cuba today. The objective of the project is aimed at exploring the potential of this biomass for its possible transformation into activated carbon. Documentary analysis is carried out, through original and review articles, biomasses from rice and coconut were considered, fundamentally, in practical activity these biomasses have been evaluated for these purposes, which allows us to conclude that the seed husk of Moringa oleífera can be an alternative to obtain coal. It is proposed to start studies characterizing the seed shell of Moringa oleífera, carry out its carbonization by means of a thermochemical process such as pyrolysis.


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How to Cite
Bravo Elers, D., Mazorra Mestre, M., Pla Duporte, M., & Ferrer Serrano, C. (2023). Potential of moringa seed husk as a possible absorbent. Eco Solar, (83), https://cu-id.com/2220/n83e12. Retrieved from http://ecosolar.cubaenergia.cu/index.php/ecosolar/article/view/132
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