Contribution to the further development of energy audits in Power generation companies

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Ángel Eugenio Infante Haynes
Hiovanis Castillo Pantoja
Manuel Germia Rodríguez Romero
Ricardo Lorenzo Ávila Rondón


In this work, a methodology was developed for the improvement of the quality audit of the Energy Management System according to NC ISO 50001:2018, in an electric company in the eastern territory, due to the need to increase its energy efficiency. This audit allowed to know the current situation in which the company is in the energy area, based on compliance with the requirements established by the standard, so the Hierarchical Analysis of Processes (AHP) method is proposed as the methodology with multicriteria approach, which introduces a mathematical model to evaluate the result of the experts, in which the weights or levels of importance of criteria and dimensions are obtained, by means of the geometric mean made to the evaluated surveys; These take into account dimensions and criteria for the continuous improvement cycle, which guarantees the sustainability of the Energy Management System. All this contributed to the need to know the situation of the organization for the implementation of the Energy Management System, being at a level of Innocence.


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How to Cite
Infante Haynes, Ángel E., Castillo Pantoja, H., Rodríguez Romero, M. G., & Ávila Rondón, R. L. (2023). Contribution to the further development of energy audits in Power generation companies. Eco Solar, (83), Retrieved from
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