Proposals to improve the habitat quiality in Las Terrazas community

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Isabel Escalona Rodríguez
Ariel Ferrer Fagundo
Dania González Couret
Luis Alberto Rueda Guzmán
Natali Collado Baldoquin


Las Terrazas community, created in the 60’s to improve the farmers quality of life, intends to be a model of rural sustainable community, linked to ecotourism. An international project carried out by the Technological University of Havana and the Gent University, is contributing to that goal. The present paper exposes part or the work realized during the first stage, specifically related to the diagnosis of community problems and potentialities in order to propose ways to improve its quality. Based on the fieldwork carried out, it was possible to evaluate housing habitability and family aspirations. Taking into account the high thermal transfer through the concrete vertical envelope components, indoor thermal environment was simulated in bedrooms with different orientations, using Energy Plus y Open Studio software. All housing and apartment has been transformed, affecting indoor habitability. As a result of the work, some actions were proposed to improve habitational quality and thermal indoor environment by solar protection, incorporating renewable energy technologies, as well as collecting rain water and recycling solid wastes.


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How to Cite
Escalona Rodríguez, I., Ferrer Fagundo, A., González Couret, D., Rueda Guzmán, L. A., & Collado Baldoquin, N. (2019). Proposals to improve the habitat quiality in Las Terrazas community. Eco Solar, (68), 3-9. Retrieved from
Artículo original


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