Practical aspects of solar heater installations

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George Aguilera Proenza


Based on more than 10 years of experience in the design and installation of solar heaters, an assessment is made of the most common errors seen in existing installations, as well as practical good practices to take into account in the design and assembly process of these systems. In addition, some of the characteristics under consideration by the author are compared little treated about the different technologies of solar heaters existing in Cuba.


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How to Cite
Aguilera Proenza, G. (2021). Practical aspects of solar heater installations. Eco Solar, (76), 9-20. Retrieved from
Artículo original


Bérriz Pérez, Luis y Manuel Álvarez González (2016). Manual de calentadores solares. La Habana: Ed. Cubasolar. 194 pp. ISBN: 978-959-7113-49-2.
Caleffi Solar (s/a). «Ficha técnica de válvula automática de purga de aire y grifo de corte para instalaciones solares».
«Documentos de Rensol y Copextel sobre calentadores solares».
«Manual de calentador solar termosifónico Chromagen» (s/a).
«Manuales y fichas técnicas de calentadores solares termosifónicos Chromagen, Helioakmi, Sunny Power, Thermosol, Somex y Ecosol».