School-Productive Farm with renewable energy sources in Palmira municipality

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Enrique Arturo Padrón Padrón
Gustavo Crespo Sánchez
Julio Rafael Gómez Sarduy
Roy Reyes Calvo


The productive school farm aims to contribute to food sovereignty in the municipality through technologies that use renewable energy sources, promoting a culture of good sustainable agroecological practices, nutritional education and efficient irrigation systems. The land has an organoponic with a mesh cover for shade and micro-sprinkler irrigation fed by photovoltaic solar pumping; a shed with a pallet for raising goats; an area of 0.5 hectares planted with bananas, with drip irrigation fed by a windmill; a shed for fattening pigs; an area for waste treatment (biogas); an area for wastewater treatment (biogas); an area for the treatment of wastewater (biogas); and an area for the treatment of wastewater (biogas); an area for waste treatment (biogas, compensation tank, sedimentation pit and fertigation tank); a civil construction of masonry and light, single-water roof, with a 17° slope that allows for the installation of photovoltaic solar panels to power the organoponic irrigation system. The irrigation systems and water sources were carefully designed, resulting in a methodology to be taught in courses. The roofed area will have a rustic classroom, without walls, with high landscaping around it; a vegetable washing and selection area; a vending machine; a safe area for cheese production; a storage area for farm implements; and a restroom. Considering the income in the productive part, the investment is recovered in three years. and an electricity generation capacity of 118.66 kWh per day. The economic evaluation has a long Investment Recovery Period (IRP), close to 15 years out of a useful life of 25 years, and a low Net Present Value (NPV) given that Resolution No. 435/2017 establishes the cost of the KWh, sold by


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How to Cite
Padrón Padrón, E. A., Crespo Sánchez, G., Gómez Sarduy, J. R., & Reyes Calvo, R. (2022). School-Productive Farm with renewable energy sources in Palmira municipality. Eco Solar, (80), 24-29. Retrieved from
Artículo original


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