Agroecological tourism in Cuba to strengthen local and sustainable food systems

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C. Leidy Casimiro Rodríguez


The study proposes an agroecological tourism initiative in Cuba and the strengthening of this culture through the construction of knowledge and ethical values, norms of relationship between human beings and nature, from the agroecological transition, and an articulated network in family farms and rural communities. It also presents a diagnosis of the food systems, the possible impacts on the supply of tourism and new products in the local market that depend on endogenous resources, the need to introduce creative alternatives such as agroecological tourism, raise efficiency indexes, improve the quality of life of direct and indirect beneficiaries (including tourists) and contextualize practices for environmental improvement. The research is consistent with the agroecology and rural tourism policies developed by Minag and Mintur. Likewise, it plans to incorporate collective actions to provide experiential experiences that make it possible, on the one hand, to create opportunities and incentives for the incorporation of young people and rural families to the countryside, in sustainable ways of life, and on the other hand, to provide tourists with the enjoyment of cultural and socio-productive goods, while promoting respect for the ecological and cultural diversity of the territories.


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How to Cite
Casimiro Rodríguez, C. L. (2022). Agroecological tourism in Cuba to strengthen local and sustainable food systems. Eco Solar, (80), 30-34. Retrieved from
Artículo original


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