Characterization of electricity consumption rates and a gender perspective in the Guasasa Community

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Alina Martínez Plasencia
Alfredo Curbelo Alonso
Roberto Sosa Cáceres
Jorge Alvarado Cartaya
Miriam Amado Picasso


Electrical energy, generated through different sources, is necessary for productive and service activities as well as for household functioning; these consumption spaces have been analyzed from the perspective of the sexual division of labor. Women usually carry out domestic work and access to energy is a key factor for its management. The lack of fuel or energy resources means that in many developing countries, particularly in rural areas, women are responsible for acquiring fuel (firewood), especially for cooking activities. Expanding opportunities for access to electricity, with a gender perspective, would contribute to reducing the time and effort required to complete household chores, which would allow the insertion of women in the development of income-generating activities. Likewise, incorporating women's needs in energy policies and projects constitutes an opportunity to work in favor of an agenda that favors female autonomy and empowerment. The objective of the research is to characterize the living conditions of the inhabitants of the Guasasa community through the analysis of energy consumption.


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How to Cite
Martínez Plasencia, A., Curbelo Alonso, A., Sosa Cáceres, R., Alvarado Cartaya, J., & Amado Picasso, M. (2022). Characterization of electricity consumption rates and a gender perspective in the Guasasa Community. Eco Solar, (81), 3-7. Retrieved from
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