Proposal of temporary shelters with low energetic consumption in parcels of Camaguey historical center

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Kenia Suárez Gerard
Eduardo Antonio Rodríguez García
Rosamalia Feria Ramírez
José Osmani Mariño Velázquez


 Natural hazards aggravated by the effects of the climatic change, and exacerbated by anthropic effects, rapidly increase the physical vulnerability of the residential fund in historical centers. For this reason, heritage risk management should consider various actions to mitigate impacts, within which the generation of temporary shelters constitutes a viable alternative for strategic interventions. These buildings should have the necessary means to accommodate groups of affected people for certain periods. In this sense, its design and construction must respond to the principles of sustainable development with energetic efficiency and energy saving as premises. Hence, when the effects are manifested in the historical center of Camagüey city, which is the largest in the country, this is taken as a case study. Therefore, the aim is to design variants of temporary shelters with low energetic consumption, which allow a rational use of energy and provide protection to the victims against damage to the residential fund in Camaguey historical center. For this, theoretical methods are used, as data from previous researching and information provided by entities, together with the photographic survey and observation, for the selection of the parcels. The methodology for the conservation of historical centers is also applied. As main results, guidelines are offered for design and construction, based on urbanarchitectural, physical-environmental, socio-economic and technical-constructive criteria, with the proposal in two parcels of those studied in this site.


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How to Cite
Suárez Gerard, K., Rodríguez García, E. A., Feria Ramírez, R., & Mariño Velázquez, J. O. (2020). Proposal of temporary shelters with low energetic consumption in parcels of Camaguey historical center. Eco Solar, (74), 10-20. Retrieved from
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