Impact of the "Honey over the years" project on the food culture of the elderly in Zaza del Medio
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The objective of this article is to present the impacts of the project "Honey in the years" in the community of Zaza del Medio from different intervention actions developed with the older adult in the town, under the focus of improving food culture, raising quality of life and its contribution to local autonomy. Specific tasks were carried out intended to reverse this age into an active force capable of transmitting the food culture to the family and the community, demonstrating that they are capable of learning and contributing their knowledge and skills, if the methodology indicated in the teaching process is applied learning. In the development of the investigation, the analytical-synthetic methods, the inductive-deductive, as well as the documentary analysis were used. In particular, the IAP method (Participatory Action Research) was selected to modify the passive state of the elderly as a transforming agent of reality in their community, by corroborating this age as a stage of human development useful to the family and to society. . Among the techniques, the interview, discussion group and participant observation were applied to verify the action of the older adult in the sociocultural environment in which he intervenes. A group of activities were carried out with the theoretical and practical elements necessary to assume the third age in its biological, psychological and social multi-dimension, offering options, knowledge and skills that facilitated active participation in food culture and local development on sustainable bases.
Article Details
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