Impact of projects on biodiversity, agroecology and resilience of local habitat

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Alexander Báez Hernández
Carlos Alberto Hernández Medina
Magdalys Alibet Carrasco


The article explores how the projects contribute to the strengthening of the biodiversity, agroecology and resilience of the rural habitat of a Cuban municipality based on the 2030 Strategy for sustainable development. The contributions of project management to the productive fabric and habitat in the locality are required from the research of teachers and students. The projects play an important role in strengthening the productive fabric and the local habitat in Camajuaní and contribute to local development in the generation of jobs, the incorporation of women into agricultural work, reforestation, incorporating new varieties of bamboo that can be used in construction works and the manufacture of furniture and household items, expanding infrastructures and improving existing ones, diversifying production and producing natural fertilizers and organic matter to achieve greater soil fertility and healthier products.


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How to Cite
Báez Hernández, A., Hernández Medina, C. A., & Alibet Carrasco, M. (2020). Impact of projects on biodiversity, agroecology and resilience of local habitat. Eco Solar, (73), 16-23. Retrieved from
Artículo original


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