Use of residual thermo-metallurgical emissions in steam and hot water generation in metallurgical companies

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Rigoberto Pastor Sánchez Figueredo
Roberto Pérez Rodríguez
Lisandra Pupo Salazar
Julio Borrero Neninger
Fausto Hernán Oviedo Fierro


The articles, parts and pieces of metals and their alloys are the basis of industrial development as fundamental components in the construction of mechanisms for the metalworking, automobile, aeronautical, naval, military, domestic industry, etc., and they are characterized by their thermo resistance and refractoriness; due to this for their manufacturing, metallurgical processes of smelting, forming, heat treatments are needed, which need melting and heating furnaces with temperatures ranging from 750 0C to 2 500 0C, which generate emissions thermal with a high caloric intensity. With this research the evacuation of this heat emitted with alternative collectors and recuperators is carried out and is used as an energy source for: The generation of hot water and vapors, used in technological and domestic processes such as: the sterilization of laboratory tools and washing of textile and other fibers and in the preparation of food in companies; Water heating for domestic use and hygiene of metallurgical operators, contributing to the sustainability of the health of the human environment by avoiding sudden changes in temperature in the toilet; Production of electrical energy by thermo transfer. For the transfer of thermal water and steam flows to technological, labor or domestic buildings, aluminum alloy pipes are used, taking advantage of the particular thermal dispersion of this metal. Gaseous emissions once converted into solids in wet filters are reused in production processes, such as silicates, nitrates, sulfides and nitrides, with a high percentage of precious metals.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Figueredo, R. P., Pérez Rodríguez, R., Pupo Salazar, L., Borrero Neninger, J., & Oviedo Fierro, F. H. (2020). Use of residual thermo-metallurgical emissions in steam and hot water generation in metallurgical companies. Eco Solar, (73), 38-41. Retrieved from
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