Local strategies for the integrated production of food and energy: experiences in their formulation
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Phase II of the Biomás-Cuba project (2013-2016) focused on the formulation and implementation of municipal strategies for integrated food and energy production (EMPIAE) in six Cuban territories, aimed at achieving food security, generating energy from the biomass, treating and taking advantage of polluting residuals, improving degraded soils and generating income, jobs, local capacities and socio-economic impacts in rural groups with less access to energy, as well as improving living conditions in rural areas. This contributes to improving the quality of life of the population through the implementation of national, sectored and local policies and strategies for the integrated production of renewable energy and food, in harmony with the environment.
Article Details
DMPF -MINAG -CAM (2014). «Estrategia municipal de producción integrada de alimentos y energía del municipio Urbano Noris». Urbano Noris, Holguín, Cuba: Dirección Municipal de Planificación Física, Delegación Municipal de la Agricultura y Consejo de la Administración Municipal, 67 pp.
Suárez, J. (2013). «Guía metodológica para la elaboración de la estrategia municipal de producción integrada de alimentos y energía». Proyecto Biomas-Cuba. Matanzas, Cuba: Estación Experimental de Pastos y Forrajes Indio Hatuey, 8 pp.