Study of the electricity consumption of the villa clara cay and its long-term daily forecast 2019-2020. Cuba
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This work modeled the monthly electricity consumption of a key in the Villa Clara province, Cuba. A database was used from January 1, 2018 to May 25, 2019, a total of 12,750 cases. The ROR Regressive Objective regression methodology was used. Three models were obtained one short-term one day, another one year in advance and another combining the predicted long-term value as a predictor for the short term with one year in advance. As conclusions we can say that the best model is the combined one, the impact of consumption when it is equal to zero, is presented with a drop of 13.71 MWh, which represents 67.55% of the maximum value of consumption that is 20.3 MWh and 10% above the average value of 12.42 MWh. In general, the forecast using the predicted long-term value to obtain the short-term forecast gives better results of the behavior of the electricity consumption of the key. The tendency of the models is zero, which poses stability in consumption and a good handling of it.
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