Application of pulverized biomass combustion in boilers of the sugar industry

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Abelardo Daniel Rodríguez Arias
Liz Belkis Rosabal Ponce


The bagasse boilers of the sugar industry work with very low efficiencies, mainly due to the high moisture content in the fuel and the non-uniform distribution of the mattress of particles on the grill, which causes effects on the process of formation of the mixture of combustible air and combustion stability, especially for excess air coefficients below α = 1.5.

The high values of excess air that are needed in the fixed beds, to ensure turbulence in the mixing zone in these facilities, leads to the increase of losses in the exhaust gases and consequently to the decrease in the efficiency of the units. An alternative to improve the efficiency in the boilers of the sugar industry, is the replacement of a portion of the base load, with the use of flame burning of dry powdered biomass residues in rotary burners developed by the author. The waste can be from different sources of biomass, such as bagasse itself after a drying and preparation process, the RAC (Cañeros Agricultural Waste), wood residues, energy crops of different species or from the production of the bagasse derivative itself as It is the case of the kernel. The work presents the results of a demonstration installation that was mounted in a wet bagasse boiler that generates 45 t / h of steam and the core of a panel factory was used as additional fuel.


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Rodríguez Arias, A. D., & Rosabal Ponce, L. B. (2019). Application of pulverized biomass combustion in boilers of the sugar industry. Eco Solar, (70), 9-15. Retrieved from
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