Ecotourism rural communities. Evaluation of the sustainability of the Hotel Moka in the Las Terrazas community

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Román Alejandro Pérez-Rosales
Dania González-Couret
Natalí Collado-Baldoquin
Luis Alberto Rueda-Guzmán


Although there are numerous methods to assess architectural and urban sustainability, few have been developed for Latin America and the Caribbean. Rural communities linked to ecotourism require special attention. In this article, the theoretical bases for the proposal of a system for evaluating sustainability in rural ecotourism communities are exposed, taking the Las Terrazas Community in the Sierra del Rosario los Órganos as an object of study, in western Cuba, and the results of its application to the Hotel Moka, located in that settlement.

The procedure proposes evaluation criteria, but the benchmarks will have to be adjusted locally. The environmental, economic, social and comprehensive impacts of the variables and parameters to be evaluated are differentiated. The Hotel Moka was evaluated as good, with the best results in the variable "Architecture" and the worst in "Materials".


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How to Cite
Pérez-Rosales, R. A., González-Couret, D., Collado-Baldoquin, N., & Rueda-Guzmán, L. A. (2021). Ecotourism rural communities. Evaluation of the sustainability of the Hotel Moka in the Las Terrazas community. Eco Solar, (75), 26-34. Retrieved from
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