Wind resource assessment with emphasis in the mountain zones

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Conrado Moreno Figueredo
José Augusto Medrano Hernández
Armando Torres Durán


The present work emphasizes on the importance of wind potential assessment from the same moment in which the decision of putting in operation a wind energy installation has been taken. The wind resources and its characteristics are explained in this article. The knowledge of the wind potential is necessary for several aspects: the wind systems design, the evaluation of its behavior in the course of its lifetime, the location of the installation in addition to its operation during its exploitation. This paper shows the necessity of organize and realize the assessment of wind potential, followed of a methodology that describes the necessary steps to do, doing this important step wiith the required quality. Straightaway this work exposes an example of a Cuban experience regarding the assessment of the wind in an specific site. Finally the specific characteristics of the wind energy in a complex terrain of a mountain zone are presented.


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How to Cite
Moreno Figueredo, C., Medrano Hernández, J. A., & Torres Durán , A. (2019). Wind resource assessment with emphasis in the mountain zones. Eco Solar, (69), 3-11. Retrieved from
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