Sugarcane biopower plants in cuban reality

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Jorge T. Lodos Fernández


Existing Biopower Plants are described as its characteristics are discussed in order to support an strategy, based on efficiency, steam process consumption, existing biomasses, power capacity during sugarcane campaign and out of it, and biomass, power and investment costs, among other conditions. It is concluded that the Biopower Plant has to be evaluated economically and as an environment-friendly energy producer, electricity production has to be maximized with the highest possible pressure and temperature and extractingcondensing turbo generators. Biomass availability is fundamental because it regulates capacity, campaign extension and profitability of the Plant. Grid has to purchase BiokWh at any moment and site.


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How to Cite
Lodos Fernández, J. T. (2020). Sugarcane biopower plants in cuban reality . Eco Solar, (69), 17-21. Retrieved from
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