Nearly zero energy hotels. Potentialities and restrictions for Cuba
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«Nearly Zero Energy Buildings» (nZEB) conception could represent a more sustainable aspiration within Cuban construction policy. This European definition has been widely discussed even though in the national context has been quite less analysed. Although tourism in Cuba is a key sector in the economy, it is needed to be more profitable and with a lower environmental impact. The aim of this paper is to define the main potentialities and restrictions for enforcing this international approach in the Cuban city hotels. To reach this goal, the key elements of the nZEB definition are discussed, as well as study cases of low energy hotels or low energy buildings in hot and humid climate are analysed. It is presented as well, a characterization of a sample of Havana Hotels, focussed mainly in its energy policies.
The study case prove that it is possible to achieve nZEB in warm and humid climates as well as in high consumer buildings such as hotels. The optimization of the building design being suitable to each urban context, the use of energy efficient technologies and the use of renewable sources of energy, it is considered the main strategic resources to reach this goal. The hotels analysed in Havana double the consumption of the international referents, which demonstrates the need to change the current energy saving standards since there have been no substantial changes in the consumption of these buildings. The renewable energy sources are currently a profitable technique to implement, fundamentally the solar energy and energy cogeneration.
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