The production of electricity in photovoltaic systems placed on structures or gable roofs
Main Article Content
In the work, photovoltaic systems are studied on gable structures from the point of view of the production of electrical energy, and are compared with the production of a standard south-facing field with 67 % of use of the land area. The work shows that the production of electricity in a gabled field is significantly higher than the standard south-facing field. It is also shown that the azimuth angle does not influence the total annual production of the gabled field, although the optimum value is given by the east-west orientation, that is, with azimuth of 90 and 270 respectively, although the superiority is not significant. The use of gable structures is recommended due to their high wind resistance.
It is recommended at the end to determine the cost of the kilowatt-hour produced before making a decision.
Article Details
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