Feasibility of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (SHPP)

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Noidys Quirós Martín
Jorge M. Fernández Infante


The most essential resources for life is water, hundreds of human needs are linked to it, while the demand for energy resources to meet consumption and well-being needs grows. Renewable energies that come from inexhaustible sources and do not emit greenhouse gases are one of the key pieces in the construction of a sustainable development system; Within these energies is the hydraulic one or hydropower obtained from the use of the kinetic and potential energies of the water current, waterfalls or tides, so that all water in movement either for population consumption, industrial or irrigation, can be used in the production of electricity. With the aim of showing the feasibility of small hydroelectric power plants through the study of the origin of hydropower and the technologies that are used to motivate the implementation of projects aimed at this line of research, Cuba being a tropical country with a wide agricultural profile makes SHPPs a feasible answer in electricity production.


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How to Cite
Quirós Martín, N., & Fernández Infante, J. M. (2021). Feasibility of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (SHPP). Eco Solar, (75), 41-46. Retrieved from http://ecosolar.cubaenergia.cu/index.php/ecosolar/article/view/7
Artículo original


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