The rumen contents waste as a manufacturing process for producing meat industry and renewable energy and organic fertilizers

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Denny Rodríguez Alarcón


The generation of waste organic solids and residual water of industrial process with discharges loads pollutants are a world environmental problem, and especially, those generated by the meat industry, and when mixing the same ones in efluents of evacuation system, the organic load rises, but still value that reach 51,4 kgDQO/m3 and this problem is bigger, being almost null its handling and use. At work a description on the handling of the waste matter of the industrial process comes true, specially instructs her meat, you are for it than far from seeing towards the waste matter like a contaminant, contents ruminal 1,01 (MTon/month), and of residual water attains an average volume 10,5  (m3/d), they are supposed to pay attention to the potentiality that they have the same as to obtaining: of biogas 207,1 (m3/d), like source of renewable energy, the substitution of chemical conventional payments for organic ones 26,94  (MM Ton / Año), his significance from the economic approach 1807,93 (MM $USD / year), and the amount of the contaminations that these emit to the ambient 12,6 (MTonCO2)  and 8,6 (TonDQO/day ). For the most part the development of these technologies at our country has remained in simple demonstrations.


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Rodríguez Alarcón, D. (2021). The rumen contents waste as a manufacturing process for producing meat industry and renewable energy and organic fertilizers. Eco Solar, (77). Retrieved from
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