Simplified calculation method of the five unknown parameters for the single-diode photovoltaic panel model

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Rafael Villalón García
Sergio G. Fuentes Cardona


Renewable energies have received a significant boost and supportafter the 2015 Paris Agreement. This Agreement entered into force in 2020 and, for the first time, established a binding global target for all signatory countries.

Among the renewable energy sources the solar energy, harnessed through photovoltaic panels. Various developments and research have allowed the creation of marine vehicles and vessels powered by solar energy, and we also find solar water heaters

This article presents the way to calculate the five unknown parameters for the single-diode photovoltaic panel model (the Rs and Rp resistors, the photogenerated current Iph, the ideality factor of the diode, and the saturation current Io), by the Simplified Calculation Method. The model of a solar cell of a diode is characterized, the calculation of these parameters is performed and a comparison is made with other numerical methods to validate its results.


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How to Cite
Villalón García, R., & Fuentes Cardona, S. G. (2021). Simplified calculation method of the five unknown parameters for the single-diode photovoltaic panel model. Eco Solar, (77). Retrieved from
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