Diagnosis to measure gender gaps through indicators. Guasasa case study

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Alina Martínez Plasencia
Roberto Sosa Cáceres
Alfredo Curbelo Alonso


Gender and energy not only have a practical theoretical contribution, but also in the way of transforming reality in the rural area in relation to the active participation of women in community life and opportunities for their personal growth. Very few women are involved in energy issues and energy planning; and even fewer women are trained in the gender approach, so it is not common to talk about the needs of women.

This article aims to apply a methodology based on a participatory rural diagnosis to improve the living conditions of rural areas. Guasasa case.

These issues are appropriate for the rural area and especially for women, who use, conserve, know and share the benefits offered by different energy resources.


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How to Cite
Martínez Plasencia, A., Sosa Cáceres, R., & Curbelo Alonso, A. (1). Diagnosis to measure gender gaps through indicators. Guasasa case study. Eco Solar, (78), 3-7. Retrieved from http://ecosolar.cubaenergia.cu/index.php/ecosolar/article/view/83
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