Methodology for determining the wind turbine class in the western part of Cuba and pre-mountainous zones

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José Augusto Medrano Hernández
Conrado Moreno Figueredo
Julio E. Vaillant Rebollar


In this article a methodology that allows to determinate the wind class of the wind turbines, to selection effects is presented. Additionally, a state of the art about the different statistical methods existent, directed to the extreme data processing, being demonstrated that the Gumbel method gives the best adjustment. As study case, the echo-tourist complex Las Terrazas was selected, which is located in the western zone of Cuba, every year happen meteorological events as hurricanes, generating extreme values of wind speed. Additionally, present a pre-mountainous relief with high turbulence index, due to the abundant vegetation that there prevails. Finally, applying the Gumbel method, the wind speed of reference and the turbulence index of reference were determined, being that in the place under study it should install wind machines class IA.


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How to Cite
Medrano Hernández, J. A., Moreno Figueredo, C., & Vaillant Rebollar, J. E. (1). Methodology for determining the wind turbine class in the western part of Cuba and pre-mountainous zones. Eco Solar, (78), 8-12. Retrieved from
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