Different questions with equal answers. The A, B, C of biogas technology in Cuba

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José Antonio Guardado Chacón


In order to improve the food situation of the population, the agricultural activity with social inclusion is undergoing an important reorganization aimed at encouraging labor. This reorganization, which covers all sectors of the economy, and in particular those linked to food production, involves the efficient use of energy and the growth of solar energy or Renewable Energy Sources (RES). In these scenarios, the use of biogas technology for waste treatment and the Biogas Users Movement (MUB), in accordance with the economic policy and the transformations taking place in the country, together with the involved factors of the territories, are called to contribute to the achievement of energy independence and sustainable development in the context of local development. The experience in promotion, training and use of biogas technology by own efforts with the support of science and technique, as well as other results related to the knowledge of biogas and other RES, which have different views are, among other aspects, those addressed in this work.


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How to Cite
Guardado Chacón, J. A. (1). Different questions with equal answers. The A, B, C of biogas technology in Cuba. Eco Solar, (78), 13-18. Retrieved from http://ecosolar.cubaenergia.cu/index.php/ecosolar/article/view/86
Artículo original


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