Study for the application of the renewable sources of energy in the Labiofam Matanzas company

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José Luis Sánchez Ávila
Marlene Orama Ortega
Juan Ramón Díaz Matos


It is carried out an integral study of the most comprehensive possibilities for the application of the renewable sources of energy in the Labiofam Matanzas Company. Where intends to take advantage their roofs for the installation of photovoltaic panels, also to substitute their system of pumping for photovoltaic bombs, a solar distiller is also designed to recover the water of return of the boiler of the yogurt factory, and 4 digestors is calculated for the hatchery of pigs that possess in The Estrella, Petrona, Casualidad and The Conga.

 All this will allow to be supplied energy by means of the renewable sources at your disposal, if not that will also have the possibility of a surplus that can allow him at one time the recovery of the investment prudential.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Ávila, J. L., Orama Ortega, M., & Díaz Matos, J. R. (2020). Study for the application of the renewable sources of energy in the Labiofam Matanzas company. Eco Solar, (71), 33-54. Retrieved from
Artículo original


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