The promotion of the production and use of biogas in Cuba: the role of the Indio Hatuey Experimental Station .Results generalization report

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Luis Cepero Casas
Jesús Suárez Hernández


Since 2009 the Indio Hatuey Experimental Station has promoted the production and use of biogas in the Cuban agricultural sector, with the support of several international projects and within the framework of multi-institutional networks.  This enabled the construction of 176 biodigesters with different technologies in 22 municipalities, which contributed to the formulation and implementation of local strategies for integrated food and bioenergy production, with a diversified use of biogas, the use of effluents in soil improvement  and the creation of biogas supply networks;  All this has generated a positive impact in rural areas.  Several lessons learned were drawn from this 10-year experience, including the integrated production approach, networking and synergies with numerous actors, local agricultural innovation processes, local strategies, policy advocacy, incubation of  new projects, alliances with industrial companies and other projects, as well as.  the systematization and socialization of results.


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How to Cite
Cepero Casas, L., & Suárez Hernández, J. (2020). The promotion of the production and use of biogas in Cuba: the role of the Indio Hatuey Experimental Station .Results generalization report. Eco Solar, (71), 6-9. Retrieved from
Artículo original


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Suárez, J.; G. Martín; J. Sotolongo; E. Rodríguez; V. Savran; L. Cepero; F. Funes-Monzote; J. Rivero; D. Blanco; R. Mach ado; C. Martín y A. García (2011). «Experiences of the Biomas-Cuba project. Energy alternatives from biomass in Cuban rural areas». En Pastos y Forrajes, 34 (4): 473-496.

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