Evaluation of the agronomic effect of the solid effluent from a treatment plant by anaerobic digestion of porcine residues in garlic crops (allium sativa) and tomate (licopersicum esculentum) var. L43
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Agricultural soils suffer an imbalance in the maintenance of stable levels of organic matter (MO) due to various reasons (excessive tillage, intensive production, use of phytosanitary products, irrational deforestation, forest fires, inadequate grazing, etc.), causing a decrease in the natural fertility of the surface horizon, more accentuated in regions with little biomass production. That is why, the introduction of fertilizers of organic origin is of utmost importance in the current moments in which steps are taken to change the socalled modern agriculture, for biological or agroecological agriculture. The application of effluent from the swine biogas plant is an effective organic fertilizer, as a source of organic matter and improving the physical, chemical and biological properties of agricultural soils, taking into account the large amount of solid and liquid effluents that they are generated as residual products of the gas production process, their agronomic effect was evaluated in the Inesita Farm located in Pedro Pí, Mayabeque province with the cultivation of garlic var. Chilean, on a Red Ferralitic soil, and tomato var. 43 on Yellowish Ferralitic soil, the grooves were 20m long, the amount of effluent corresponding to the tonnages consisted of: for 4 tn (20kg), 6 tn (32kg), 8 tn ( 40kg), the furrows were replicated 4 times and in the case of garlic the diameter and weight in grams of 20 bulbs and the weight in kg were evaluated for the total yield and in the tomato the number of fruit and the fruit were measured in 10 plants Total weight in kg. The results showed that there was a slight increase in the chemical properties of the soil after harvests in the content of Organic Matter, Phosphorus (P2O5), Potassium (K2O), Calcium (Ca), and a decrease in sodium concentrations, situation which could favor that the aggregates of the soil were more stable and it was observed that the use of effluent (solid) in garlic and tomato crops increased yields of 5,74 and 72,88 kg,ha-1 with the highest applications exceeding the control by 1,84 and 19,4 kg,ha-1,
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