Alternative solutions to reduce therman during in the afternoon in social housing with galvanised steel sheet roo the warm and humid climate portoviejo

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José Fabián Véliz Párraga
Dania González Couret


The zinc tile is a building material widely used in social housing over the developing world. From the thermal point of view, it is favourable in warm and humid climates at night, but people staying at home during the afternoon are exposed to extreme hot conditions. The present paper shows the results of several researches carried out in Portoviejo, Ecuador, in order to propose alternative low cost solutions to reduce indoor temperature during the afternoon based on the use of available local resources.

The research was developed in three stages, the first one corresponded to a field study in 49 zinc roof social housing; during the second, an inventory was made in order to propose alternative solutions to reduce indoor temperature, which performance was finally tested in experimental modules. The results were statistically processed and a cost - benefit analysis was made.

Inhabitants are daily exposed to 8,5 hours of thermal stress, from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., which could be reduced by the proposed alternative solutions, up to only three daily hours using a zapan ceiling below the traditional zinc roofs.


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Véliz Párraga, J. F., & González Couret, D. (1). Alternative solutions to reduce therman during in the afternoon in social housing with galvanised steel sheet roo the warm and humid climate portoviejo. Eco Solar, (79), 27-35. Retrieved from
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