Passive cooling in buildings with PCM compounds

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Nelly Sarai Ramos Reyes
Francisco Antonio Horta Rangel
Arnaldo González Arias


In recent years, several passive air conditioning systems that do not consume energy have emerged; they are based on the use of PCM materials (Phase Change Materials), which have a phase transition with a significant value of the latent heat of fusion at the tempera-ture to be controlled. A description of the behavior of these materials during heating and cooling was presented, as well as the most commonly used compounds and techniques for this purpose at present, based on a documentary review. It is concluded that, in addition to the fundamental thermodynamic parameters of the PCM used, the following are important parameters to take into account: its mechanical properties, the thermal conductivity of the selected system, the average variation of ambient temperature in the place to be air-conditioned and the selection of a geometry in accordance with the particularities of the enclosure where this type of air-conditioning system is to be installed.


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How to Cite
Ramos Reyes, N. S., Horta Rangel, F. A., & González Arias, A. (2024). Passive cooling in buildings with PCM compounds. Eco Solar, (84), 11-15. Retrieved from
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