Contribution to the improvement of energy efficiency in the Holguín meat enterprise

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Lilian Rosa González López
Ángel Eugenio Infante Haynes
Manuel Germía Rodríguez Romero
Eliéser Ricardo Morales
Zaily Dorado Rojas


The research applied a multi-criteria approach procedure to evaluate, audit and diagnose energy management systems and contribute to the improvement of energy efficiency through the application of the Cuban standard NC ISO 50001: 2018. Non-conformities in the organisation under study were eliminated and computer tools were implemented to process the surveys carried out with the previously selected experts. Finally, the solution found was validated with the Subjective multi-criteria method of simple ordering.


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How to Cite
González López, L. R., Infante Haynes, Ángel E., Rodríguez Romero, M. G., Ricardo Morales, E., & Dorado Rojas, Z. (2023). Contribution to the improvement of energy efficiency in the Holguín meat enterprise. Eco Solar, (83), Retrieved from
Artículo original


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