Manufacture and evaluation of a solar dryer for aromatic plants
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The present investigation was oriented in the design and manufacture of a solar dryer for aromatic plants. For the fulfillment of the proposed objective, the theoretical-methodological bases referring to the subject were established and the pertinent computer tools were used for this purpose. Among the main results obtained, it was evident that the theoretical foundations proposed made it possible to establish the design parameters for a solar dryer for aromatic plants. Using the SolidWorks computer tool, the developed prototype was designed. The manufactured solar dryer was evaluated using 0.8 kg of bay leaves; During the process, a weight loss of 25% and a moisture reduction rate of 4,34 % / h were obtained, showing changes in the main physical and organoleptic properties of the bay leaves. Thermodynamically, a total heat flux of 23,86 kW and a thermal efficiency of 37,4% were achieved, demonstrating that the developed prototype has adequate efficiency. From the economic point of view, a specific cost was reached to dry one kilogram of bay leaves of 37,25 weight / kg; having a net present value (NPV) of 1806,39 pesos, an internal rate of return (IRR) of 118,69 %, a payback period of investment (PRO) of 0,83 years, with a benefit / cost of 2,21, elements that validate the economic feasibility of the developed prototype.
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