Energy recommendations for Cuba

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Carlos Martínez Collado


In the years prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, 51 % of the fuel required in the country was imported annually, characteristic of primary energy consumption, by sources and sectors of the economy, therefore, a program should be created to improve energy performance in all sectors of the social and economic life of the nation, with the goal of energy independence for Cuba. This analysis is based on the consideration that of the 100 % of primary fuels consumed annually, 59 % is destined to electricity generation, and that as a base for 2030, the Electrical Union proposed 24 % of total electricity generation with the use of renewable energy sources, which contributed 14,2 % of the national energy needs; However, the potential for savings in the final use of energy is much greater if an increase of 10 % in the direct use of renewable energy sources on the consumer side is proposed, and savings of 27 % of current energy consumption in all sectors of the economy, which is sufficient to reduce Cuba's energy needs by 51%, and thus avoid fuel imports. This is based on the existence of technologies that guarantee savings of 52 % or more and that allow self-supply with renewable sources for 100 % of the energy needs.


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How to Cite
Martínez Collado, C. (2022). Energy recommendations for Cuba. Eco Solar, (79), 14-26. Retrieved from
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