Study of resilience in family mountain agriculture in Guamuhaya, Cuba

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Leidy Casimiro Rodríguez


Agricultural production in the different massifs of Cuba, is largely for local consumption, with limited application of soil conservation practices, leading to increases in erosion rates and reduced soil fertility and productivity. Family farming is small-scale and based on traditional logging and burning practices. These areas contain high levels of biodiversity, generate goods and services of national importance and are vulnerable to a series of threats, both of anthropic and natural origin, so that studies that make assessments in this regard are important for the implementation of strategies that promote the resilience of mountain socioecological systems (CSR). Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate CSR in family farms of the Guamuhaya Mountain Massif in central Cuba, to contribute with the analysis, to future intervention actions for the agroecological transition of peasant farms in the territory.

The Methodology for the Evaluation of Socio-Ecological Resilience (MERS) of Casimiro et al. [2017] in nine family farms in the territory, which allowed evaluating a set of technological and efficiency criteria and proposing actions that could influence an agroecological transition strategy focused on the resilience of family farms in the region.


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How to Cite
Casimiro Rodríguez, L. (2019). Study of resilience in family mountain agriculture in Guamuhaya, Cuba. Eco Solar, (67), 28-35. Retrieved from
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